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National College of Pharmacy united in action for a healthier world as the theme states.. Kerala State Pharmacy Council organized World Pharmacist Day Celebration ("PHARMACIST UNITED IN ACTION FOR A HEALTHIER WORLD"), Pharmacy Act 75th Anniversary celebrations on 26th September 2022 Monday 10 AM at JDT Auditorium Vellimadukunnu Kozhikode. Mr.Navinlal (Convenor Swagatasangham and KPPA district secretary ) welcome the gathering. The program was Inaugurated by Dr. Bina Philip, (Aradhya Mayor Kozhikode). Mr. OC Navin Chand (President State Pharmacy Council), Satheesan.T (Vice President SPE) spoke on the occasion. Greetings by Shri. Habibullah (Executive Member (KSPC), Shri.Santosh.PP (State Secretariat Member NGOU),Shri.Sudhakaran PP (State Vice President, KGOA ),Shri.Shaji .M.Varghese (ADC Kozhikode and Executive member), Shri Abdul Jalil K (Asst Professor Govt. College of Pharmaceutical sciences),Dr. Sujith Varma K(Principal, National College of Pharmacy),Dr. Anjana John (Principal, JDT College of Pharmacy), Dr. Sujith Abraham (Principal, KMCT College of Pharmacy, Dr. Biju CR (Vice Principal Devaki Amma Memorial College of Pharmacy ,Dr. Nishit M.C (Vice President, IPGA).The section was concluded by Vote of Thanks by Jayachandran .P. (Pharmacy Inspector). Finally, a Keynote speech on “After 75 years of Pharmacy Act” by Dr. P.K. Sreekumar (Retd. Deputy Drugs Controller & State President KPGA). Our students have attended the program and interacted with speaker. The program was concluded at 1.30 pm. Students of NCP were awarded prizes for their cultural performance